Effects of HRT HRT has numerous normal effects, not all of which are welcomed by women. These effects are the result of the estrogens' effects on the target organs and tissues. Obvious early benefits include a reduction in hot flushes and more restful sleep. Some women also report a sense of increased well-being. After a few months' treatment, women may notice beneficial effects on the bladder and urethra: better bladder control, decreased urinary frequency and often fewer bladder infections. They may also find the vagina and cervix becoming healthier and more moist with increased vaginal secretion and better lubrication during intercourse. Many women also report increased sexual awareness and enhanced sexual response after starting hormone therapy. However, there may be some adverse effects: increased sensitivity and sometimes tenderness of the breasts, increased vaginal discharge and the return of vaginal bleeding or menstruation. Is HRT for You? Whether HRT is appropriate or likely to prove beneficial for you can best be decided by your doctor. Talk to him or her about the possibility of this treatment. You may be an ideal candidate.